New ideas, skills and methods can enter your organization in different ways. They can start as a new strategy from Headquarters, staff training or a chat based on a self-help book. Whichever is the case, the big question is this: How will the invested resources (the cost of training, or the time spent on strategy meetings) turn into increased value and efficiency?

HTS uses a number of methods (and their combinations) to bring about lasting improvement.


When the objective is to define the direction of organizational change, our consultants can guide you through the process.

  • Defining vision and objectives
  • Detailed needs analysis
  • Scientific assessment tools
  • Defining performance indicators
  • Action plans
  • Sustainability plans


This is the ideal approach when teams need to start using the same skills or principles at the same time. It also helps build a community at work.

  • Creating feasible training plans
  • Analysis or organizational needs
  • Individual assessment
  • Defining performance indicators
  • Customized content
  • Follow-up plans for sustainable result


HTS coaches work with executives either to improve individual performance or to support them in leading organizational change.

  • Personalized coaching programs
  • Scientific assessment
  • Defining performance indicators

The full range of HTS services: